In our modern society, people are beginning to place their trust more in people than in a company, group or corporation, which is to say that the power of influence is returning to the individual to you and is no longer monopolized by the big groups.
In a few years from now, it is not so farfetched that personalities will ultimately rule over the media. What this means is that with a simple human, personal touch, the masses can relate easily to a person, and take a person's statements on an equal footing.
What is the reason for this? The modern audience is becoming jaded with rampant advertising by big organizations -and is now of the idea that these giants of business only have profits and sales in mind and have no real regard for their audience's personal lives and ideas.
That belief is true enough, in a sense. This reluctance has the consumer audience rethinking how they perceive brands of organizations and businesses.
It is where personal branding comes in, and it is getting stronger over time. This method is similar to the basics of traditional company branding; however, the power is now coming from the person alone, not from the group.
A More Human Approach
It means having a more rational approach. Personal branding lets you create a social and market identity while being able to maintain a personal level of interaction through the online media.
Smaller businesses and individuals are getting their breaks because of this, becoming more competitive and relevant in the market.
Similar to traditional branding, personal branding also necessitates a good signature name that should be both unique and instantly recognizable. People should be able to know what you or your product is about after a few glimpses or readings, being able to connect with you faster and more efficiently.
Brand Statement and Focus Niche
As with all practicing any crafts, you must decide what you want to be known. Deliberate on that first before you even further develop other individual expertise.
The world of personal branding is becoming so big that broad fields such as "traveling" and "food" are flooded with so many competitors that they are no longer accurate enough.
To know your focus niche, think of what is it that you can offer best and make it into a promise. Be the best of what you can provide, and the rest will follow. By doing so, you can realize who your particular potential audiences are going to be. While your audience won't be as grand, your audience will be relevant and significant and long term.
Domain Naming Carefully Is Branding
Your domain name is an anchor for your personal branding. Inevitably, "names are important, for they must mean something and represent something. It is the basic human tendency to rely on the first pieces of information offered to us. It is called an anchor, and names are often the best anchors.